C.O.P.S. Wiki
The Case of the Invisible Crime
Episode #65
COPS File #160065
The Case of the Invisible Crime
Written by: Bob Forward
Previous Episode: The Case of the Red Hot Hoodlum
Next Episode: none

This is the 65th episode of C.O.P.S.


"The C.O.P.S. are always on the lookout for a crime, but in this case, the crimes were kind of hard to spot, for a very good reason: they were invisible. Here's how the caper came down..."

Big Boss' crooks make themselves invisible to make things difficult for the C.O.P.S. team to catch them and have an easy time committing robberies in the process. This case features Mace being highly annoyed by Airwave and his constant babbling. Airwave is the newest member of C.O.P.S. who serves the team as a communications expert and could make an excellent sportscaster if he hadn't chosen to be part of C.O.P.S.

C.O.P.S. on the case[]

Crooks involved[]



  • This episode recycles the climax from "Batman: The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra"; in both cases, the heroes undo the villains by turning out the lights...so that the good guys can't be seen, either.

Full Episode Link[]

COPS - The Case of the Invisible Crime
