- A.P.E.S.
- Addictem
- Agent Belson
- Airwave
- Barricade
- Beamer
- Berserko
- Big Boss
- Big Momma
- Bowser and Blitz
- Brain Planes
- Brannigan
- Brian O'Malley
- Bulletproof
- Bullit
- Bullseye
- Buttons McBoomBoom
- Buzzbomb
- C.O.P.S.
- C.O.P.S. (series)
- C.O.P.S. Episode Guide
- C.O.P.S. Wiki
- Chases and Stings
- Checkpoint
- Coast to Coast 166
- Coast to Coast 170
- Commissioner Highwater
- Commissioner Highwaters
- Cupcake
- Doggie Paddle
- Dr. Badvibes
- Empire City
- Evading Arrests
- First Time Caller
- Front Page
- Hardtop
- Highway
- Hyena
- Inferno
- Inspector Yukon
- Johnny Yuma
- Kathleen Diamond
- King Roddin
- Koo Koo
- Linda O'Malley
- LongArm
- Louie the Plumber
- Lump
- Mace
- Mainframe
- Mayor Davis
- Mickey O'Malley
- Mirage
- Miss Horton
- Mountback
- Mrs. DeWealth
- Ms. Demeanor
- Nightshade
- Nightstick
- Omacron Jewelers owner
- Powder Keg
- President of the United States
- Prince Baddin
- Rock Krusher
- Samantha
- Scratch
- Shifty
- Shredder
- Squeeky Kleen
- Suds Sparkle
- Sundown
- Taken into Custody 2
- Taser
- Tazed and Confused
- Tell It to My Wife
- That's My Grill
- The Case of Berserko's Big Surprise
- The Case of Big Boss' Bye Bye
- The Case of Big Boss's Big Switch
- The Case of C.O.P.S. File 1
- The Case of Mace's Romance
- The Case of MukLuk's Luck
- The Case of the Baby Badguy
- The Case of the Baby Badguy's Return
- The Case of the Bad Luck Burglar
- The Case of the Baffling Bugman
- The Case of the Big Bad Boxoids
- The Case of the Big Boss' Master Plan
- The Case of the Big Frame Up
- The Case of the Big Little Green Men
- The Case of the Blitz Attack
- The Case of the Blur Bandits
- The Case of the Bogus Bride
- The Case of the Bogus Justice Machines
- The Case of the Boy Nobody Wanted
- The Case of the Boy Who Cried Sea Monster
- The Case of the Brilliant Berserko
- The Case of the Bulletproof Waldo
- The Case of the Cool Caveman
- The Case of the Crime Circus
- The Case of the Crime Convention
- The Case of the Criminal Games
- The Case of the Criminal Mall
- The Case of the Crook with a Conscience
- The Case of the Crook with a Thousand Faces
- The Case of the Crooked Contest
- The Case of the Disappearing Dough
- The Case of the Ghost Crooks
- The Case of the Giveaway Gold
- The Case of the Half Pint Hero
- The Case of the High-Iron Hoods
- The Case of the Highway Robbery
- The Case of the Iceberg Pirates
- The Case of the Invisible Crime
- The Case of the Iron C.O.P.S. and Wooden Crooks
- The Case of the Kangaroo Caper
- The Case of the Lawless Lady
- The Case of the Lesser of Two Weevils
- The Case of the Lost Boss
- The Case of the Lowest Crime
- The Case of the Lying Lie Detector
- The Case of the Midas Touch
- The Case of the Missing Masterpiece
- The Case of the Missing Memory
- The Case of the Pardner in Crime
- The Case of the Prison Break-In
- The Case of the Ransomed Rascal
- The Case of the Ready Room Mutiny
- The Case of the Red Hot Hoodlum
- The Case of the Rock and Roll Robbers
- The Case of the Runaway Buzzbomb
- The Case of the Sinister Spa
- The Case of the Spotless Kingpin
- The Case of the Stashed Cash
- The Case of the Stuck-Up Blimp
- The Case of the Super Shake Down
- The Case of the Thieving Robots
- The Case of the Visiting Mother
- The Case of the Wayward Whiz Kid
- Turbo Tu-Tone
- U.S.S. Defiant
- Whitney Morgan
- Willy Bright
- Zevi Wolmark